Who is Sibelle?

I work with painting, drawing, lithography, watercolor, monotyping, and clay.

Member of Kunstnerforeningen af 18. November, Frederiksgade 8, Copenhagen K

For inquiries about ordering assignments, requests for the purchase of artworks or a workshop, you can press the icon contact Sibelle.

Sibelle Tvermoes

Comments on Sibelle’s work:

  • ”It’s as though you create harmony in your paintings.”

  • "There’s something marvellous, something surreal, something about love in your paintings.”

  • ”I feel moved and I sense how you express emotions in your pictures.”

  • ”There’s something Chagall-like about your paintings, something dreamlike and very loving.”

  • ”What beautiful, colorful paintings – and so full of humor.”

  • ”It makes me happy just looking at your pictures.”

  • ”You’re really great at portraits, you get soul and depth into them.”

  • ”You’re really great at portraits, you get soul and depth into them.”

  • ”Charming, imaginative universe you move around in.”


Gallery Hestestalden, Præstø; French Market, Præstø; Valby Library; Slagelse Library; Sorø Library; Præstø Library; Skelgårds Church; Vor Frue Church: Hos Beier, Brønshøj; Skørping Library; Støvring Library; Tisvilde picture festival; Høje Tåstrup Town Hall; One man show: Gallery Claus C, Copenhagen; Gallery Miller Art, Copenhagen; Nybodergårdens Nursing Home, Copenhagen; Smidjan, Thorshavn, Faroe Islands

Danasvej Library; Inspirationa Barcelona, Arteville, Gallery Miller Art, Pederskamsgade; Stamkunsten, Skt. Pederstræde; Norvartis Art Association; Travelling exhibition arranged by Amnesty International, Odense and Riiskov Library, Århus at Ulriksholm Castle in Kerteminde; One man show in Gallery Eira, Classensgade, Copenhagen ; One man show in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland; Kulkafen, Teglgardsstsræde, Copenhagen; Frederiksberg Town Festival; Plaza de la Reina, Østerbro; Brasilko, Østerbrogade, Copenhagen; Café Baboushka, Turesensgade, Copenhagen; Scandinavian School of Astrology, Valby; Kbh. Galleriet, Classensgade, Copenhagen; Dr. Eda Zelkowitz’s clinic, Frederiksberg; Frederiksberg Art Association at Language Centre, Ishøj; Danasvej Library, Frederiksberg; Kapelvej community centre, Nørrebro, Copenhagen; City of Copenhagen, Nyropsgade


1991: Copenhagen Artschool
1991: Water color course with Bente Kjerulf , Skyros, Greece
1992: Holbæk Art College
1993: Course in painting with Wojciech Hubicki, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
1995-1996: Scenography and performance at The New Dramaschool
1996: Music line, Herning People’s College
1997-1998: Songacademy Nøddeknækkeren
1998-1999: Course at Centre for Creativity and Theatre with Barbara Von Siedenthal
1999: Voice training with opera singer Ole Hvidemann
2000-2001: Theatre Studio, Århus, method acting with Misha and Vladimir
2002-2006: Hovedstadens pædagog seminarium (Capital City Teacher Training College)
2010: Portrait course with Mable Rose
2011: Art school Spektrum with Thomas Skytte
2012: Art school Spektrum with Thomas Skytte
2013: Art school Spektrum with Thomas Skytte and Ingela Skytte
2015: 3 year art therapy course